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How do cataracts affect my vision?

Some say that their vision with cataracts is similar to looking through a dirty car windshield.
Some say that their vision with cataracts is similar to looking through a dirty car windshield.

A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens that typically occurs with age. Cataracts usually form slowly over a long period of time. Some say that their vision with cataracts is similar to looking through a dirty car windshield. If your vision has become blurry, cloudy, or if your glasses don’t seem to work like they used to, you may be developing a cataract. You may also have difficulty driving at night or experience sensitivity to sunlight or bright lights. You may notice you need more light to read or see halos around lights.

Surgery is the only way to remove cataracts and restore vision. Although traditional cataract surgery is very effective and successful, when considering your surgical options, laser-assisted cataract surgery can offer a host of benefits over the traditional procedure and can help you experience your best possible outcome.

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