
Buy One, Get One FREE No-line Progressive Lenses

Through the end of August, when you purchase Shamir Autograph Intelligence™ premium no-line progressive lenses, get a second pair of computer/workspace progressive lenses including blue blocking FREE!

Shamir has conducted extensive research showing that based on their age, patients have different visual behavior related to driving, computer use, smartphone/tablet use and printed reading materials. Autograph Intelligence™ lenses have customized visual zones to match these visual preferences.

If you are experiencing discomfort from long hours spent in front of a computer screen or other digital device or are suffering from glare before or after cataract surgery, blue light blocking lenses may be solution to reduce your discomfort and help you see better. Learn more about how blue light blocking lenses can help combat glare and digital eye strain.

Contact the Optical Departments at one of our three convenient locations to schedule an appointment or walk-in during regular business hours.